Produse pentru un carbonat (1197)



Solidian Armătură Carbon 6mm - Bare din Fibre de Carbon

Solidian Armătură Carbon 6mm - Bare din Fibre de Carbon

solidian REBARs are combining highstrength fibers with extremely resistant resins in the production process named pultrusion. Here carbon or glass fibers are oriented extremely straight, impregnated by resin and hardened. solidian REBARs are realizing unbelievable high and durable loadbearing capacities up to most extreme demands. This is the result of the combination of the straightness of the fibers and the selectable big diameters of the crosssection. As such solidian REBARs are accessible onsite. So they are the ideal noncorrosive substitution for metallic reinforcements for everybody who is interested in economical and ecological sustainability. corrosionresistant thinner concrete cover, longer service life, lower refurbishment costs reduced weight with higher tensile strength high tensile strength lower overall construction costs electronically isolating and nonmagnetic Material:Carbon Fiber width:dia 6mm
Foaie Laminată la Cald - Bobine de Oțel Laminat la Cald

Foaie Laminată la Cald - Bobine de Oțel Laminat la Cald

Desky vyráběné metodou kontinuálního lití tvoří po speciálních procesech ohřevu plechy válcované za tepla o tloušťkách od 1,40 do 25,00 mm. Tyto výrobky se používají jako suroviny v mnoha průmyslových odvětvích, jako je výroba trubek a profilů, stavebnictví, výroba strojů, průmyslová řešení pro regály a sklady, stavba lodí a zemědělské stroje. Specifikace výrobku: - Vnitřní a vnější povrchová úprava: S235JR, S235J2, S235J0 S275JR, S275J2, S275J0 S355JR, S355J2, S355J0 Výhody Nabízí rozmanitost díky široké škále tlouštěk. Desky vyráběné metodou kontinuálního lití dosahují vysokých výkonů při speciálním tepelném zpracování. Poskytuje možnost využití jako spolehlivé suroviny v různých průmyslových odvětvích. Ocelové svitky válcované za tepla (HRC) jsou univerzálním řešením, které splňuje různé potřeby v průmyslu. Tento výrobek, který vyniká vysokou kvalitou a širokou škálou použití, je ideální pro vytvoření spolehlivého základu pro vaše projekty. Typ výrobku:Dělení, řezání na délku, svitek, páska, plech Šířka role:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm Kvalita :S235JR - S275JR - S355JR atd.
ZF028 - Filtre de carbon pentru hote

ZF028 - Filtre de carbon pentru hote

Original codes: C07 - CF130 Compatible brands: Exquisit - Hanseatic - PKM - Privileg - Respekta - Schneider
Bmk-cf50 - Filtru cu Carbon Activ - Filtru cu Carbon Activ pentru Frigidere și Răcitoare de Vin

Bmk-cf50 - Filtru cu Carbon Activ - Filtru cu Carbon Activ pentru Frigidere și Răcitoare de Vin

Compatible Brands: LIEBHERR Original Codes: 743455700 BOX QTY:1
Desen Personalizat Piese PEEK - Piese de Inginerie Termoplastice

Desen Personalizat Piese PEEK - Piese de Inginerie Termoplastice

Manufacturing Process CNC Machining & Injection Molding PEEK performance Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a high-performance, engineering thermoplastic characterized by an unusual combination of properties. These properties range from high temperature performance to mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance. Material Grade ARKPEEK-1000: 100%PEEK Produced from virgin polyetheretherketone resin and offers the highest toughness and impact resistance of all types. ARKPEEK-CF30: 30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK Carbon fiber reinforcement lends the material a high level of rigidity and creep strength, high mechanical strength and heat conductivity values. ARKPEEK-GF30: 30% glass fiber + 70% PEEK Glass filled PEEK exhibits increased mechanical strength and high rigidity. ARKPEEK-MOD: 10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite high performance engineering plastic with product characteristics including excellent sliding and abrasion & wear resistance, high mechanical. Material:Polyetheretherketone Composition:Pure PEEK/PEEK CF30/PEEK GF30/PEEK MOD Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance Drawing:Customized


PRÊT A VENDRE trio de Nagano X 15 format A4 GEN Code:3 770 012 829 599 UNITE:1
Cauciuc de cloropren CR2444 - Cauciuc de cloropren CR2442 Vâscozitate Mare

Cauciuc de cloropren CR2444 - Cauciuc de cloropren CR2442 Vâscozitate Mare

Chloroprene Rubber CR2444 - Chloroprene Rubber CR2442 High Viscosity HS Code:400249
7Up 330ml

7Up 330ml

Wir stellen vor: die 7Up 330-ml-Dose – ein Schluck erfrischendes Paradies! Verwöhnen Sie Ihre Sinne mit einer Symphonie purer Erfrischung mit der 7Up 330-ml-Dose, Ihrem ultimativen Begleiter für ein prickelndes Geschmackserlebnis. Dieses kultige kohlensäurehaltige Getränk entführt Sie mit jedem köstlichen Schluck in eine Welt voller Spritzigkeit und belebender Würze.
Binchotan Japonez de Kishu 3X | Regiunea Wakayama

Binchotan Japonez de Kishu 3X | Regiunea Wakayama

Cela fait des siècles que le charbon actif Binchotan est utilisé au Japon, notamment pour purifier l’eau du robinet. Extrait du chêne vert Ubamegashi, le véritable charbon actif Binchotan affiche un taux de carbone entre 90% et 96% qui lui confère un puissant pouvoir filtrant. Il supprime les métaux lourds et les produits chimiques contenus dans l’eau du robinet sans éliminer les minéraux et oligo-éléments nécessaire à notre corps.
Nanotuburi de carbon cu perete unic scurte, Puritate: > 65%, SSA: 40

Nanotuburi de carbon cu perete unic scurte, Puritate: > 65%, SSA: 40

Short Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Purity: > 65%, SSA: 400 m2/g, black Short single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs, SWNTs) comprise of one-atom-thick sheets of graphene that rolled up to form long hollow tubes. Short SWCNTs possess exceptional thermal, mechanical and electrical properties. These remarkable properties lead to advances in performance in a wide range of materials and devices. Short Single-walled carbon nanotubes are actively used in diverse area including energy storage, molecular electronics, nanomechanial devices, composites and bio-sensing. We sell a range of Short Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes with different purities and lengths with low prices. Technical Properties: Purity> 65 % Colorblack Average Diameter1.0 nm Length1-3 µm OD1-2 nm ID0.8-1.6 nm Tap Density0.45 g/cm3 True Density2.2 g/cm3 SSA400 m2/g Ash3.0 wt% Thermal Conductivity45-190 W/m.K Electrical Conductivity98 S/cm Manufacturing MethodCVD
BISELADORA CHP 12 - CEA MAI VERSATILĂ DIN GAMĂ Pionieri în designul și fabricarea mașinilor de fazare

BISELADORA CHP 12 - CEA MAI VERSATILĂ DIN GAMĂ Pionieri în designul și fabricarea mașinilor de fazare

La biseladora CHP 12 es la líder de ventas a nivel mundial ya que permite chaflanar chapas, tubos y discos de manera automática con una velocidad de achaflanado de 2,6 m por minuto. Su primera versión se remonta al año 1972 llevando el ADN de Cevisa a miles de empresas de los cinco continentes desde entonces y representando para la industria del metal la piedra angular en la preparación a la soldadura. La achaflanadora CHP 12 sigue siendo, en la actualidad, la biseladora más eficiente y fiable del mercado, sustituyendo eficazmente procesos manuales penosos para el trabajador y costosos para la empresa, permitiendo el chaflanado de chapas de 6 metros en menos de 3 minutos. Ventajas de la biseladora para cizallado estándar CHP 12 Adaptada para chapas, tubos, discos... Alta rentabilidad: Coste chaflanado/ minuto bajo. Avance automático, sencillez de manejo y ajuste. Sin mantenimiento.
Bastoane Solide din Carbon și Fibra de Sticlă

Bastoane Solide din Carbon și Fibra de Sticlă

Carbon Stäbe geschliffen / Carbon Stäbe gezogen / Glasfaser Stäbe Hier finden sie eine Übersicht aller Vollstäbe von Carbon Composite. • Carbon Stäbe geschliffen • Carbon Stäbe gezogen • Glasfaser Stäbe gezogen
Evo Hulk Carbon - Îngrășământ Organic Lichid de Origine Vegetală

Evo Hulk Carbon - Îngrășământ Organic Lichid de Origine Vegetală

%33 Organik Madde, %14 Organik Carbon, %3 Azot ve %4 Su da Çözünür K2O içermektedir. İçerisinde köklenmeyi teşvik edici hormonlar asgari oranda bulunmaktadır. organik köklendiricidir. dikimden sonra uygulamaya başlayabilirsiniz. dekara 2-3 lt ve 3-4 uygulama yeterli olacaktır. bitkilerinizin hem köklenmesine ve hem de toprağınızın organik madde ihtiyacını karşılamaya yardımcı olacaktır.
Protecție și Securitate - Cartușe A1 cu Carbon Activ (Pachet de 2)

Protecție și Securitate - Cartușe A1 cu Carbon Activ (Pachet de 2)

Sachet de 2 cartouches A1 à charbon actif pour masque à peinture A1P2 Applications Sol : Réparation & mortier Applications Bois : Collage et revêtement Applications Mastic - Enduit de finition Applications Surf - Planche - Ski - Kite – Skate Applications Aquarium – Pour contact alimentaire Applications Époxy pour carbone Applications Revêtement incolore - Décoration - Bijoux Applications Nautisme - Plaisance Applications Bricolage - Maquettes Applications Coulée - Remplissage - Calage de lest Applications Carrosserie - Carénage - Tuning Applications Étanchéité
Cuie din Oțel cu Carbon Înalt 5x100mm - Cuie din Oțel cu Carbon Înalt

Cuie din Oțel cu Carbon Înalt 5x100mm - Cuie din Oțel cu Carbon Înalt

Metal ya da ağaç parçaları beton duvara ve metal parçaları metal parçalara birleştirmek için kullanılır. Çivinin yüzeyindeki tırtırlar çivinin çakıldığı yere kenetlenmesini sağlar. 4mm(0.15’’) ye kadar çekiç ve 6mm(0.23’’) ye kadar metal levhalara çivi tabancısı ile çakılabilir.
Dynamicline Fiber - Mașină de tăiere cu laser 2D - TCI Cutting Dynamicline Fiber 4Gmax. Pod din fibră de carbon.

Dynamicline Fiber - Mașină de tăiere cu laser 2D - TCI Cutting Dynamicline Fiber 4Gmax. Pod din fibră de carbon.

Productividad en estado puro para grandes series y volúmenes, sin perder de vista la eficiencia eléctrica y de producción. Con versiones que llegan hasta los 20 kW de potencia de corte y la posibilidad de cortar espesores de hasta 50 mm pudiendo alcanzar una aceleración máxima de 4G. Máxima aceleración y potencia de corte a tu alcance. Su diseño incluye puente de fibra de carbono, motores lineales y doble accesibilidad frontal y lateral. Corte en 2D. Las velocidades de desplazamiento de hasta 280 m/min garantizan la mayor productividad para los clientes más exigentes de series largas. Opción de automatización inteligente a medida, carga, descarga y almacenamiento automatizado y de Software Inteligente de Gestión de la Producción para toma de decisiones autónomas y estratégicas. Optimiza tu máquina de corte y gana en competitividad.
Toi Moi Litieră pentru Pisici din Bentonit de Sodiu cu Cărbune Activat

Toi Moi Litieră pentru Pisici din Bentonit de Sodiu cu Cărbune Activat

%99,8 Tozsuzluk Extra Güçlü Topaklanma Hızlı Sıvı Emilimi Kabı kuru ve Temiz Tutar Koku hapsetme Yüksek Kalite Bentonit Ekonomik Tüketim
Colectare fir recoacere / Colectare fir pentru baloturi - Bobine de fir recoacere potrivite pentru prese semi-automate

Colectare fir recoacere / Colectare fir pentru baloturi - Bobine de fir recoacere potrivite pentru prese semi-automate

Ses principales secteurs d'utilisations sont : - Recyclage - Déchets solides urbains - Carton - Papier - Plastique - Agriculture Selon la norme: EN-16120/2 Diamètres: 1.5mm à 4mm Packaging: Bobines de 25 à 40 kg
ActiCo - Filtru cu carbon activ - Purificare eficientă a gazelor cu un filtru cu carbon activ

ActiCo - Filtru cu carbon activ - Purificare eficientă a gazelor cu un filtru cu carbon activ

Ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre avec une installation APROVIS ActiCo : - Épuration soigneuse des gaz - Réduction des émissions - Prévention des dommages - Une plus grande sécurité de fonctionnement - Amélioration du processus de combustion - Prolongation de la durée de vie du charbon actif
Analizor de Carbon Organic Total - CA72TOC

Analizor de Carbon Organic Total - CA72TOC

El analizador CA72TOC determina el contenido en carbono orgánico total (COT) en diversas industrias. Mide con fiabilidad y precisión incluso en aplicaciones exigentes con alto contenido en sal, grasas o fibras. Una detección fiable de pérdidas de producto incrementa la producción del proceso y ahorra dinero día a día. Diseñado para una estabilidad a largo plazo y un rendimiento máximo, el analizador CA72TOC proporciona un funcionamiento seguro de su planta. Los mensajes de diagnóstico claros proporcionan una ayuda activa a su estrategia de mantenimiento. Objeto de la medición:de aguas residuales,de carbono orgánico total Mesurando:de concentración Configuración:benchtop Otras características:de proceso
Carbura E cu înaltă duritate și viteză mare cu 4 caneluri și rază de colț nervurat - ·Materiale: Oțel carbon, oțel aliat, matrițe și forme, piese de matrițe și forme

Carbura E cu înaltă duritate și viteză mare cu 4 caneluri și rază de colț nervurat - ·Materiale: Oțel carbon, oțel aliat, matrițe și forme, piese de matrițe și forme

[Product Description] H-PRO series can be used in a wide range from general steel to high-hardness steel, and it is designed for high-hardness and high-speed milling. It is suitable for cutting carbon steel, alloy steel series, molds and mold parts, and is useful for ultra-precision machining by applying high-precision tolerances. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.05 ~ D25 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.1 ~ D20 + (same as above) C/R end mill : D0.2 ~ D20 + (same as above) Inner C/R end mill : D0.5 ~ D5.9 + (same as above) High speed milling end mill : D0.8 ~ D12 + (same as above) [Product Model] Flat : 2HRE, 2HPE, 2HLE, 4HRE, 4HPE, 4HLE, 4HHE, 6HPE Ball : 2HRB, 2HSB, 2HPB, 3HPB, 4HPB, C/R : 2HRR, 2HCR, 4HRR, 4HCR, 4HIT Inner C/R : 2IRC, 4IRC [Product Use] H pro series is suitable for High hardened steels (HRC 45~55) and pre-hardened steel. Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting H-pro coating. Brand Name:Hansong M&T Place of Origin:South Korea Certification:ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 13485, CE Packaging:Box packing Payment Term:T/T in advance Delivery:After receipt payment Sample:Available (Charge) HS Code:8207-70-2000
Filtru cu Carbon Activ Composorb Tak

Filtru cu Carbon Activ Composorb Tak

bagshaped madeup filter media with threadshaped spacers multilayer construction of high effective, activatedcarbon granular layer and COMPOPLUS® filter media galvanised sheet steel frame, installation depth 25 mm double–working arrester very high adsorption kinetics bag length:360, 600 mm
Sistem de Măsurare a Prafurilor PD-600 - Dispozitiv de măsurare pentru praf de baterie, funingine, grafit, praf, carbon, praf metalic

Sistem de Măsurare a Prafurilor PD-600 - Dispozitiv de măsurare pentru praf de baterie, funingine, grafit, praf, carbon, praf metalic

Powder technology has a long history in various sectors such as the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and metal industries. Measuring the physical properties of powder is very difficult and each industry uses different assessment methods. The PD-600 powder measuring system is the further development of the PD-51. It can determine the physical properties of powder via resistivity. Powder materials of carbon products: Materials used for rechargeable battery electrodes, condensers and resistance material and insulating electronics / cokes / graphite / carbon black / carbon fiber / nano carbon, etc. Metal powder: Materials used for battery electrodes, thin film materials such as copper powder or ITO powder, for circuit board materials, for example conductive paste and electro conductive paint. Others: Thermoplastic powder, Printer toner, Magnetic material such as ferrite, food material, pharmaceutical related and automobile parts.
Sârmă Pătrată - Sârmă Pătrată

Sârmă Pătrată - Sârmă Pătrată

Düşük Karbonlu Çubuk Kare Tel


coussin de sol 60x60x15cm avec poignée de transport et 10 boutons unis poids environ 3.200kg matière polyester et coton peigné pour un tissu de haute qualité 240gr/M² traitement déperlant + enduction doublure ouate de polyester et polypropylène garnissage flocons de mousse certification OEKOTEX® STANDARD 100 N° 11388 CIT Les produits certifiés OEKOTEX® STANDARD 100 garantissent l’absence de substances indésirables pour la santé et particulièrement pour la peau.
Detector de Gaz - Statox 501 IR pentru Dioxid de Carbon

Detector de Gaz - Statox 501 IR pentru Dioxid de Carbon

Carbon dioxide detection in industrial plants: Measuring range 0 – 5 % or 0 – 2 % vol. For Martians – provided they exist – a carbon dioxide atmosphere might be their natural habitat. We earthlings can only tolerate low concentrations of this gas. It is true that we are using the special properties of CO 2 for many purposes, but in concentrations above 5000 ppm it can be hazardous to our health. Therefore it must be monitored. In areas that are rarely accessed, such as beverage dispensing facilities, a leak detector might do as a warning device. Wherever people are present, such as workplaces in plants, industrial grade gas detection equipment is required. Here it is: Statox 501 IR. This new version of the field proven Statox 501 IR for combustible gases operates as a 4 – 20 mA transmitter. It can be connected directly to a recording device, process control system, or the optional Statox 501 controller. Its unmatched compact design makes it operable in any environment whether it is food industry, chemical industry, refineries, or cleaning facilities. This explosion proof instrument will do the job everywhere. It is water proof (rated IP 67). The housing materials (stainless steel and fiber-reenforced polyamide) are rugged and easy to clean.


Royal Bison est une boisson énergétique qui se boit à tout moment de la journée. Son action stimulante grâce à un apport en caféine, taurine et vitamine B, vous aide à trouver forme, tonus et vitalité. Elle s'adresse à un public large et s'adapte en fonction des besoins Après une journée difficile, Royal Bison vous donne le coup de boost nécessaire pour faire la fête. Ingrédient: Eau, sucre, glucose acidifiant, acide crititique E330, taurine 0.4%, correcteur acidité, citrate de sodium E331, glucoronolatone 0.24%, caféine 0.03%, arômes colorant E150C et riboflavine E101, inositol, vitamines: B3,B5, B6 et B12. En raison de la teneur élevée en caféine (32/100ml) ce produit doit être consommé avec modération. Valeur nutritive par 100ml - Energie..................47Kcal - Protéine.................0.4 g - Hydrate de carbone.11.2 g - Lipide....................0.1 g
Țevi și role din plastic întărit cu fibră de carbon

Țevi și role din plastic întărit cu fibră de carbon

Kohlefaserverstärkte Kunststoffrohre und -walzen, Durchmesser bis 1m, Länge bis 20m Produktion:  Wickeln von Rohren, Profile und Masten aus CFK und GFK,  Drehen und schleifen von Rohren bis zu 3800mm,  Fertigen und einkleben von metallischen Einbauten wie Lagern etc., Maschinenpark:  Wickelmaschine Roboter gesteuert, max Länge 22.000x1000mm  Drehmaschine, max. Länge 3800x360mm  Fräsmaschine, max. Verfahrwege 1000x600x600mm
Tăierea și forarea CFRP

Tăierea și forarea CFRP

- Thickness: up to 600 µm - Holes up to 20-50 µm diameter possible (depending on the thickness of the material) - Wall thickness <200 µm - Substrate size: up to 140 x 140 mm² possible (larger parts on request) - Cutting speed depending on material thickness and layout: from 10mm/s Complex structures possible.